Appraisal Service
Appraisal Service
Haitian Fine Art Appraiser Services
How To Take Good Photos Of Your Artwork?Fill Out An Appraisal Form Here
Myriam Nader-Salomon Is An Expert & Qualified Art Appraiser in Haitian Art For Your Qualified Appraisals.
My field of expertise is Haitian art. I conduct online and on-site appraisals upon request. I adhere to the Principles of Appraisal Practice and both of the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and the Online Association of Appraisers (OAA). I am also USPAP compliant. I bill on a flat fee depending on the particular use of your appraisal. Art evaluations can be necessary for selling, insurance, tax, and estate planning and to also evaluate your assets net worth. I don't give verbal estimations as each piece is unique and its estimated market value is professionally studied using different approaches depending on many factors. My professional report is at least a 13-page lengthy report. It's more than an art dealer appraisal. It is comprehensive and provides my credible opinion of value at the time of the evaluation. As you may know, I am a highly ethical and experienced appraiser for Haitian art who has the skills to provide professional, accurate, and full value for your artworks. It's always worthwhile to pay to assess your art value as free evaluations can cost you far more than you think you're saving. In other words, appraising a fine art is a whole process that takes knowledge, studies, and expertise. I have the experience, the education, the right DNA, and the passion necessary to be your art appraiser! So, please allow me to be your best-qualified appraiser for your qualified Haitian art appraisals.
I research and analyze specifics pertaining to each artwork being appraised, the artist's background information, and the current markets and trends for that art before determining how much it's worth. Typical research includes assessing the artist's resume and career accomplishments, reviewing the artist's recent auction and gallery sales histories, and evaluating qualities of the art itself including its size, subject matter, detail, quality, ownership history, age, condition, how it compares to other works by the same artist, and so on. It's a whole process that takes knowledge, studies and expertise.
You may email me at, free of charge, the pictures of your art. I should be able to tell you if it's by a known artist enough to be worth the appraisal fee. If you're interested in appraising your art with me, please read my appraiser's qualifications then fill out an appraisal form here. Click to How To Take Good Photos Of Your Artwork
What are the Advantages of Online Appraisals?
Can an appraisal be done online?
Yes, an appraisal can be done at a distance The only difference is that the appraiser does not personally inspect the property which makes it the most affordable way to get an appraisal. It's an electronically transmitted fine art appraisal done via the Internet in which value conclusions are based on non-verifiable, client-provided information such as digital images, photographs, and written descriptions. Issues relating to the applicability of online appraisals, their development and preparation, and the online reporting of the appraisal conclusions are the same as those issues that have been traditionally applied to pre-Internet appraisals done without the benefit of personal inspection. Like the traditional appraisal, the online appraisal is an opinion or statement of the value rendered by a professional appraiser who acts as an independent, impartial third party. An art appraiser looks at the works of art from a distance to determine their value. It is not an authentication to determine if the artwork is original; it may be necessary to work with both an authenticator and an appraiser. I do not certify paintings. I assume that the art is authentic; however, I do not appraise an art of work if I have any reasonable doubt about its authenticity. If you are interested in appraising your art.
What Are The Acceptable intended Uses for Online Internet Appraisals?
1- Clients who wish to obtain evaluations to have confidence when buying and selling a property, i.e., a sales advisory appraisal.
2- Owners who desire to divide property among heirs equitably.
3- Certain transit-related damage claims or insurance casualty loss claims in which the client and the other intended users such as the claims adjusters agree to use the results for an online Internet appraisal.
4- Litigation, damage claims, or casualty claims.
5- Any intended use for which the appraiser can develop credible opinions of value and for which the needs of the client and other intended users (if any) are met. (Appraising Personal Property: Principles and Methodology- 8th Edition- Updated to fully conform with 2018-2019 USPAP by David J. Maloney, AOA CM)
Why should I appraise my Haitian art with you?
1. The name "Nader" is a leader in Haitian art worldwide. Through experience, research, years of expertise, hard work, continuing education, and our vast database of 50 years of sales, I consider myself eminently qualified for the appraisal of your art collection, mainly your Haitian art collection. In other words, I have the right DNA, the passion and the expertise that you definitely need for a qualified appraisal of your artwork.
2. I am an art dealer and appraiser who was born and raised surrounded by Haitian art. I developed an appreciation and passion for art at an early age under the influence of my father, Georges S. Nader, founder of Galerie & Musee d'Art Nader and an icon in the Haitian art world. I specialize in Haitian art. I have been appraising it for nearly 10 years and selling it for over 25 years. I am a professional, experienced, and qualified Haitian art appraiser. In 2014, I joined the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and the Association of Online Appraisers (AOA). Through their guidance, my professional education toward the appraisal field is ongoing. All of my appraisals are compliant with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP) and I follow the ethical guidelines established by the Appraisal Foundation. USPAP is the Congressionally recognized set of appraisal standards promulgated by The Appraisal Foundation in Washington, DC. I am a trustworthy professional appraiser, who acts objectively, impartially and independently to provide an opinion regarding the value of your Haitian art depending on the intent of the appraisal. If you are interested in appraising your art.
What are my options for selling after appraising my Haitian art with you?
You have many options for selling your art locally or on the international markets directly (online or via phone) to private collectors, art dealers, art brokers, and auction houses that have an interest in your artist. The private market prices are generally higher than those of auction houses. My appraisal report may be used for any option you choose and it comes with general info on how and where to sell to better assist you in your own selling process.
- When selecting an auction house, make sure that it is reputable, experienced in selling Haitian art, and has a lot of bidders. The sale prices at auction houses can be influenced by several factors including the number of bidders, buyer’s and seller’s commissions, and the necessity to price the art at the value that their clientele will buy in order to sell quickly.
- When selecting an art gallery or art broker, do take into consideration their seller’s commissions as they have overheads and offer guarantee that you cannot offer. They may have their own clients who might be interested in your art, which seals the deal quicker.
How confident are you that I will be able to sell the paintings at your appraised value?
Even with a throughout appraisal, fluctuation in the art markets can lead to surprises as there is not only one market that determines the value of your art. There are several submarkets, and they move at different rates. Depending on the market conditions, your art may sell for the value estimated, or for more or less than the estimated value. As a reputable appraiser, I cannot guarantee a sale price.
Have most of your clients been able to sell their appraised paintings to the collectors that you have referred them to after your appraisal?
I am sorry but I can't refer you to my private art collectors as I respect all of my clients’ privacy and confidentiality. However, as a courtesy to better assist you, my appraisals for the purpose of selling come with general info on how and where to sell.
Would you be able to assist me in selling the appraised artworks?
It would be unethically and unprofessional for me, as an art dealer and appraiser, to show an interest in the piece that is the subject of my appraisal report; therefore, I cannot serve as your broker/agent nor can I be your advocate. My appraisals for the purpose of selling come with general info on how and where to sell on your own as a guidance. If you're interested in appraising your art with me, please fill out this appraisal form for more info or contact me at if you have any further questions.
How is the appraisal done by you?
What contents to expect to find in your appraisal reports?
1. A detailed and accurate description of the subject art of work along with measurements and photographs of each art.
2. A statement of the purpose for the appraisal form.
3. A statement of the contingent and limiting conditions to which the appraisal findings were subject.
4. A description and an explanation of the appraisal method used.
5. A statement of my disinterest in the subject art and of my impartiality.
6. A notation of the condition of the subject art
7. My comments about the research methods I used, the valuation factors considered, and the placement of the art in the marketplace.
8. A summary of the art provenance (history of the ownership and exhibitions if known can affect the value of the art)
9. A certificate of appraisal, my appraiser's qualifications, a statement of the code of ethics under USPAP which I practice.
10. My signature and inclusions of dissenting opinions, if any.
How much does it cost to appraise my Haitian art?
What are my payment options for appraisal services?
By credit card and PayPal (add 5% service fee). You’ll be emailed an invoice from NaderHaitianArt via PayPal. Through this email, you’ll be able to make a credit card payment via PayPal that is quick, easy and secure. (You don't need a PayPal account for that). If you'd prefer, you can provide us with your credit card info and we'll process the payment for you. If you are ready to pay for a professional appraisal.
When should I appraise my Haitian art collection?
Why should I hire a professional appraiser?
Why Should I pay for an appraisal when I can have one for free online? Can I appraise the art myself using the lists of selling prices for some of the same artists? Are lists of selling art prices just as good as appraisers?
Every work of art is unique. Sometimes, great art may sell at auction for bargain prices because the auctions are poorly publicized, or a single bidder recognizes the importance of the art and buys it for far less than what it's worth. If you compare your art to those that are sold for bargain prices, then the value is too low. Sometimes, no significant art by a particular artist has ever been sold at an auction. If it's such case then the value your art is too low. Sometimes an artist has hundreds or thousands of auction records that range, for example, between $1,000 and $100,000. If you're not a qualified professional appraiser, you'll have no idea where your art price falls into such a big range of prices. Only a professional knows what questions to ask when those discrepancies appear. If you are interested in appraising your art with me, click here to fill out an appraisal form!
If you choose to make charitable donations of artwork, you or your estate may qualify for associated tax deductions. However, there are many decisions to make and things to consider in determining the tax benefits for which you are eligible. If you choose to transfer your art collection — or even individual works of art — to charity during your lifetime, you must follow several rules to claim a charitable income tax deduction.
1- You have to donate to a public charity formed within the United States. The IRS does not allow donors to take a charitable income tax deduction for donations to non-U.S. charities. However, you may still be able to take a deduction for a gift to a U.S. charity even if they plan to use the donation in foreign countries. Make sure the charity you choose is a U.S.-based charity by asking for a copy of the charity's exemption letter from the IRS. You can also use the IRS's online search tool, the Exempt Organization Select Check. If you plan to donate art to charity upon your death, there is no requirement that a charity is U.S.-based to receive an estate tax deduction.2- You must have owned the artwork for more than one year. Artwork must be considered the long-term capital property to qualify for a tax deduction. So don't purchase a work of art with the intention of donating it so you can take a deduction that same year. To claim a work's current fair market value as the value of the charitable deduction, you must have held the property for longer than one year.
3- Your donation must be used in a way that perpetuates the charity's charter. To claim a charitable income tax deduction equal to the work's current fair-market value, the IRS requires that the charity use the donated work in a way that is related to its mission. For example, art that is given to a museum should be used in the museum's collection, and the donated one to a university should be used to further the education of the students (displayed and used in art history lectures, for instance). If the intent from the beginning is for the charity to sell the work, the donation will not qualify for tax deduction under the related-use test.
4- The charity must agree to keep the artwork for at least three years. When you decide to donate a work of art to charity, it's essential to communicate with charity representatives to determine their plans for the artwork. It is not necessary that a charity holds the donated art in its collection forever; museums often sell works to raise funds to acquire other pieces. However, if the artwork is valued at more than $5,000, and the donor plans to receive an income tax deduction for the fair-market value, the charity must keep it for at least three years. There is an exception for emergencies, but in that case, the charity must provide the IRS with an affidavit stating that it used the gifted property for its exempt purpose for a period, or that it became impractical to carry out this purpose.
5- You must get a qualified appraisal to qualify for a tax deduction for artworks worth more than $5,000, the donor must obtain a qualified appraisal. The Pension Protection Act of 2006 redefined the qualifications for acceptable appraisers, requiring that they have expertise in the kind of donated work, experience and have completed formal professional-level coursework.
Once an appraisal report is done, a donor must attach IRS Form 8283 to his or her income tax return to claim the deduction. This form includes a summary of the appraisal, the signature of the appraiser, the signature of a name from the charity acknowledging the gift, and a statement by the appraiser that he is qualified to perform this kind of appraisal. For works of art valued at more than $20,000, the full appraisal report must accompany the form.
6- You must honestly be an art collector or investor. In addition to meeting all these criteria, you must also fit the classification of an art collector or investor as defined by the IRS to claim a tax deduction. A donation from an art dealer or artist will only earn a deduction in the amount that was spent on acquiring or creating the piece, and not its market value. It's always recommended to talk to a tax attorney or accountant when calculating tax deductions.
How To Take Good Photos Of Your Artwork?
Do you buy Haitian art or take into consignments?
Hope that helps! Why wait? Call us today at (845) 208-9596 or email us at for further questions.
NB: Nader Haitian Art Gallery gladly provides a certificate of authenticity for each and every artwork purchased on its site.
Nous procédons qu'à des évaluations écrites formelles. En raison de conflits d'interet, nous n'achetons pas une oeuvre d'art que nous evaluons pour un Particulier. Veuillez noter que l'évaluation n'est pas un certificat d'authenticité. Appelez-nous (845) 208-9596 pour votre consultation adaptée GRATUITE!
La Galerie Nader d'Art Haitien, un leader dans le monde de l'art haïtien, par l'expérience, de la recherche et des années d'expertise, fournit expertises et évaluations pour un forfait par évaluation. Pour toute une collection de peintures haïtiennes, nous facturons un montant forfaitaire pour l'ensemble de la collection.
Nous fournissons des évaluations de l'art pour les propriétaires de l'art haïtien qui ont besoin d'une évaluation pour un large éventail d'applications, y compris la vente, la couverture d'assurance et les revendications, l'examen ou la deuxième opinion, contribution charitable, partage successoral, la dissolution du mariage, la répartition équitable, contrat prénuptial , consultation pour l'acquisition ou de l'aliénation et de la faillite.
Notre travail consiste à fournir une évaluation d'art indépendante, impartiale et objective aux propriétaires de l'art haïtien. Notre appréciation de l'art formel fournira les informations essentielles et les documents dont vous avez besoin pour prendre des décisions éclairées. La conclusion de la valeur fournie dans notre appréciation de l'art est une supposition éclairée, fondée sur la connaissance, des recherches approfondies sur la place du marché. Selon les conditions du marché, parfois votre art se vendra plus que la valeur estimée, parfois moins. La renommée en matière d'évaluation de l'art ne peut pas garantir un prix de vente. Ce serait contraire à l'éthique et non professionnel de notre part de montrer un intérêt dans la propriété qui fait l'objet de notre évaluation, donc nous ne pouvons pas vous servir à titre d'Agent-Courtier . En d'autres termes, nous n'achetons pas de l'art que nous évaluons pour un Particulier .
La Galerie Nader d'Art Haitien avec sa vaste base de données sur les ventes, ses connaissances et son expertise est la source la plus réputée et la plus fiable pour vos évaluations de l'art haïtien. Appelez-nous au (845) 208-9596 pour discuter de vos besoins. La consultation est totalement gratuite et adaptée à vos besoins spécifiques!
La valeur marchande réelle de chaque œuvre sera évaluée individuellement par notre conseil d'experts sur la base de la renommée de l'artiste, le thème de l'art, son année, et son état.
Pourquoi attendre? Appelez-nous au (845) 208-9596 ou Cliquez Ici Pour Demander Plus de Details
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Je vous remercie!
NB: La Galerie d'Art De Myriam Nader offre volontiers un certificat d'authenticité pour chaque piece d'art achetée sur son site sur demande